Monday, April 24, 2023

406 N Howard/Main Floor Studio


build from things that linger: Collage Construction Fusion

        study] Abstract Art Language [how/why it communicates

                    premise: art has an experiential quality.

Looking is not passive- 

artists creating with intentionality have a  goal: 

readability & intelligibility.

Object making is such that neither artist nor viewer can

see anything that has not been seen before. Meaning

is drawn from the common fund of daily visual enterprise and adventure.

Abstraction references both the artists' memory and the viewers' 

recollection of having seen the same thing. When art shares a common

(idea) (experience) (view) what thet have in common is what the art


Imagine (ideas)

Slipping into Darkness
(poured acrylic, paper pulp, burlap, recycled paper, thread)

Imagine (experience)

Testing The Water
(poured acrylic, paper pulp, burlap, recycled paper, thread)

fusion exercises: 

Dream Vacation

materials: rag paper, vellum scraps with random markings, acrylic

paint a rectangle/square on rag paper then place vellum on wet surface


HellHound on My Tail

materials: rag and tracing paper, acrylic, oil stick

begin as above replacing vellum with tracing paper 

add color by pouring paint behind the tracing paper so it's more

beneath the surface of the piece than on top.


drawing exercise: 

Charm City (work in progress)

materials: rag and tracing paper, graphite, charcoal, acrylic

flatten the cityscape to translate the surrounding

neighborhoods using linear rhythms and geometric shapes

to establish relationships across the field to create movement

as if walking down a street.

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